Department of Mediterranean Studies: Archaeology, Linguistics, International Relations
Department of Primary Education


"Analysis and Teaching of First & Second/Foreign Language"

Tuition Fees – Scholarships & Awards

The amount of the prescribed tuition fees for the entire programme of studies of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme (IPGP) “Analysis and teaching of first and second/foreign language” is set at €2,900. It is possible to pay the amount in four (4) installments.

The first installment, amounting to 700 euros, is paid within ten (10) days from the announcement of the passing candidates (date of publication in DIAVGEIA). The second installment, amounting to 700 euros, when the student registers in the 1st semester, the third installment, amounting to 700 euros, at the beginning of the 2nd semester, and the fourth installment, amounting to 800 euros, at the beginning of the 3rd semester, on dates determined by the Secretariat. Tuition fees are paid to the Special Research Funds Account (ELKE), which is responsible for managing them.

Postgraduate students must pay all their financial obligations on time. In case of non-compliance with the financial obligations, it is possible to temporarily suspend studies or to delete the student from the Programme, following a decision of the Programme of Studies Committee.

Exemption from tuition fees

Students of the IPGP are exempt from tuition fees if they meet the financial or social criteria of the article 86 of Law 4957/2022. A prerequisite for prospective students to be granted the right to study free of charge due to economic or social criteria is to have excelled during the first cycle of studies, which corresponds to having acquired a grade at least equal to or higher than seven and a half out of ten (7.5/10), provided the evaluation, leading to the basic degree presented for admission to the IPGP,  has been conducted by the ten-point evaluation scale of the Higher Educational Institution (HEI) of Greece, otherwise this criterion is applied proportionally according to the respective evaluation scale, as long as the degree presented has been granted from a foreign Higher Educational Institution.

Exempt students should not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the IPGP per academic year. If the beneficiaries exceed the above percentage, they are selected in order of ranking starting from those with the lowest income.

The application for exemption from tuition fees is submitted after the completion of the selection and registration process of the students at the IPGP.

In accordance with article 3 of the ministerial decision 108990/Z1/08.09.2022:

  • This exemption from tuition fees is granted for participation in a single Postgraduate Programme of Greece.
  • Those receiving a scholarship from another source are not entitled to exemption.
  • Citizens of third countries do not have the right to apply for exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees in IPGP.


Within the framework of its internal regulations, IPGP may provide one (1) scholarship per academic year to the full-time postgraduate student with the best performance in the average grade of the corresponding study program, as decided by the Programme of Studies Committee of the IPGP. 

More specifically the academic criteria and conditions for receiving a scholarship are as follows:

  • The student must have the best performance based on the overall grade of the Postgraduate Degree of the corresponding year of study, with a grade equal to or higher than 7.5. In the event of a tie between two (2) students, the amount is divided, and in the event of a tie among more than two students, a lottery is held and the amount is awarded to two (2) students.
  • The completion of studies within the prescribed minimum period of study (18 months), without receiving an extension of study or an extension of the preparation of the Postgraduate Thesis
  • Postgraduate students who have been granted a scholarship from IKY (Greek State Scholarships Foundation) or any other source or have been exempt from tuition fees according to the current legislation cannot receive a scholarship from the IPGP.


The IPGP may also grant awards to students with exceptional performance, according to criteria and a procedure determined by a decision of the Programme of Studies Committee.

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