Department of Mediterranean Studies: Archaeology, Linguistics, International Relations
Department of Primary Education


"Analysis and Teaching of First and Second/Foreign Language"


Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme

"Analysis and Teaching of First and Second/Foreign Language"


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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the website of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme (IPGP) “Analysis and Teaching of First and Second/Foreign Language” of the Department of Mediterranean Studies: Archaeology, Linguistics, International Relations (DMS) and the Department of Primary Education (DPE) of the School of Humanities of the University of the Aegean.

The IPGP “Analysis and Teaching of First and Second/Foreign Language” leads to a Postgraduate Degree and a Pedagogical and Teaching Proficiency Certification and aims to specialize our students in theoretical and applied areas of linguistics and language teaching (first and second/foreign).

The lecturers of the two Departments of the School of Humanities, all scientifically renowned in their discipline, cover a wide range of scientific fields of linguistics, studying and teaching of first and second/foreign languages, thus providing our students with a complete, modern, innovative and original curriculum.

Thus, our graduates, actively participating in contemporary research issues, acquire a comprehensive picture of the study of the language and its teaching and important resources for the development of their professional prospects in the field of education as well as in the field of the study of language in general.

On behalf of the teaching and administrative staff of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme, I wish you a constructive and creative academic course!

The Director
Professor Katerina Frantzi
Department of Mediterranean Studies: Archaeology, Linguistics, International Relations


Academic Year 2024-25

Programme of Studies

Academic Year 2024-25

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Academic Year 2024-25

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News & Events

e-Lecture Series 2023-24 "Linguistic diversity in the Mediterranean: Contemporary approaches"

Laboratory of Linguistics of the Southeastern Mediterranean - DMS

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Department of Mediterranean Studies
Rhodes 28.2.2024

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Linguistics Laboratory - DPE
Rhodes 28.11.2023

Graduates & Students Testimonials

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